An out-take trailer with Taylor Negron, as therapist Dr. MadAgain. This take didn’t make it into the pilot but deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated for his great comedic talent, and unique spirit. Through his long career, Taylor’s contribution to the world, the Arts and myself for the time we worked together, is simply immeasurable. He set the bar so high and he left us too soon. He will forever be in our hearts, and have my eternal esteem, gratitude, and friendship. For him, it is a time of well deserved refreshment, and as all things… A time of new beginnings…. —SVL.
Extended Trailer from the pilot “Close Encounters of a Different Kind” from the sci-fi comedy anthology series “The 5th Dimension,” Produced, Written and Directed by Samuel V. Langford.
Starring, Sheree J. Wilson, John Laughlin, and Taylor Negron, Introducing, Collin Pelton.